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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lewis, ID
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I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Marriage Friendly Therapist. I have been a pastor (6 years) and U.S. Army Chaplain from 1972-1997. I have two graduate degrees (M.Div. from Andrews University, 1975 and a M.Ed. from the University of Louisville in Marriage and Family Therapy, 1986). I organized and directed three Chaplain Family Life Ministry and Training Center and was the Director for the U.S. Army Family Life Chaplain Training Program at Fort Benning and Columbus State University. I have trained clergy, licensed professional counselors, social workers, and family practice physicians throughout the United States. My focus is to help the whole family even though one person may be experiencing/expressing most of the pain. Individuals and families have "dreams" but sometimes they don't know how to make their dreams come true. I'm sensitive to the needs of all the family members. I continue training professionals, conducts retreats, guest speaks at churches, schools, and conferences. My specialties are: Marriage, Family therapy; Individual and Group therapy; Stress, Burnout; Anger Management; Boundaries; Codependency; Depression; Sex Addiction; Grief and Loss; Conflict Resolution; Pre-Marital; Differentiation/Family of Origin issues
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