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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Granite City, IL

location-map Granite City, IL | (618) 278 5010

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I work with individuals on a variety of different issues directly impacting their lives: pregnancy, abortion, sexuality, gender identity, relationships, and the intersection of these experiences with religion/spirituality. The things we most need to talk about are often the things that make us uncomfortable, challenge our worldview, or are deemed “socially unacceptable”. Exploring these issues and our feelings in a safe environment expands our horizons and helps us to better understand ourselves and the world around us. Learning allows us to grow and develop as human beings. Personal growth can help us heal. I work with folks on exploring pregnancy options, processing abortion experiences, and on individual goals. My practice is explicitly queer and trans-affirming, sex-positive, pro-abortion, and feminist. If you are seeking support with identity, transition, pregnancy options, and/or abortion, I'd be honored to have the opportunity to work with you. You are worthy of happiness, love, and acceptance. You deserve to be treated with compassion, dignity, and respect. When you're ready, I'm happy to be a part of your healing journey. Please contact me for a complementary phone consult.