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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Monroe, IL

location-map Monroe , IL | (618) 851 1391

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

I have immediate openings. If you are like most of us, sometimes life gets tough and throws us some curve balls. During these times it is often helpful to talk with someone who can help you navigate these difficult time and allow us to get back to a state of balance. Through some of my own personal journeys, I find it easy to relate to my clients. I will meet you where you are at and work with you to achieve your personal goals, improve relationships, heal from emotional hurt and make positive life choices. I have over ten years of experience working with both Veterans and military issues. I work with adults in an array of areas: anxiety, depression, trauma/PTSD, stress management, life/career transition, marital/ relationship issues and vocational issues. I offer a safe environment to explore and reveal the core issues at the center of your situation. I utilize a mix of different approaches to meet each individual where they are. Sometimes the hardest choice is to make the call. If you are interested in having someone walk your journey with you, call for a free consultation. I offer a safe environment to discuss your personal needs and expectations. I am a contracted provider for the VA!