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Today is March 31, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Palos Hills, IL

location-map Palos Hills, IL | (440) 553 8919

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Deciding to start therapy and finding a therapist is a difficult process and the current demand is only complicating matters. If you feel overwhelmed, low or unmotivated, and struggling to manage your worries than I may be able to help. Chronic illness management, sleep/insomnia, life transition, or major life stressors (e.g., navigating conflicting cultures) are common treatment concerns for my clients. If these concerns are keeping you stuck, isolated, or unsatisfied with life then it is time to make changes. Whether you know exactly what you want but unsure of how to achieve it or just contemplating change you can find support! My goal is to support and guide you through your journey of self-discovery. This may consist of simply learning more about yourself and interactional patterns with others or changing how you cope with and perceive stressors. Treatment is tailored to your individual needs and will be adjusted based on your feedback and as you start to see progress. Life as we knew it has changed, let's work together to help you find your new normal. Please visit my website for additional information on services that I provide. Take advantage of the free consultation to determine if we would be a good fit.