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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In River Forest, IL

location-map River Forest, IL | (708) 419 3542

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Virtual & in person. Dr. Corwin’s diverse background and experiences inform her therapeutic approach, grounded in relationship & unconditional positive regard. Within a strength based, integrative approach to health and well being, Dr. Corwin includes sensory awareness and body connection to explore how impulses translate into our everyday actions. She believes people are complex and that thoughts, feelings, and body sensations interact with each other and determine how we interface with the world around us. Dr. Corwin’s expertise is in emotional intelligence, which consists of empathy, emotional regulation, perspective taking, and communication. Her background in the performing arts helps to bring playfulness and humor to the therapeutic work, with mindfulness and creativity. Therapeutic goals will include a broad base of techniques to allow us to explore your world, and to identify and redefine who you want to be in your most whole self. Being in relationship with yourself and others can open you to the skills and awareness required to live your life on your terms with the joy you crave.