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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In South Elgin, IL

location-map South Elgin, IL | (331) 259 8744

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I value the importance of the client-therapist relationship and strive to assist clients in gaining insights into their behavior. I attentively listen to each client empathetically, to help identify and define target problems, and together we develop the therapeutic treatment plan to best meet their unique needs and goals. I collaborate with schools, doctors, and other sources to assist in advocating for my clients. In addition, I provide tools, strategies, and resources to increase my clients’ coping and problem-solving skills that can be of life long benefit to my clients. I have over 15 years of experience working with children, adolescents, and families dealing with a wide range of concerns including depression, anxiety, ADHD, anger, autism, grief, trauma, family conflict, self-harm, school problems, and relationship issues to name a few. At any stage in one’s life, individuals and families can be presented with challenges that can be difficult to manage successfully on their own. I understand that it is not easy to ask for help, and people enter into therapy for a variety of reasons, but ultimately, we want to feel better and lead productive lives.