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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Tinley Park, IL
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Tinley Park, IL | (708) 734 6857
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There are times in life that one’s feelings are beyond words. Those times when it feels difficult for you to strive for understanding and feel heard. It is my privilege to create a safe place to honor these feelings and process them in a non-judgmental way for you so together we may best explore the inner richness of you and your life. Through this process, and journey of self discovery, I will help you express yourself and garnish more creative and healthier ways to transcend obstacles in your life and ultimately lead a most fulfilling and rich life. View 16 Photos I have a unique, creative approach and a deep connection with the “here and now” present even when exploring past events and future ideals with you. I am gestalt-based and client-centered in my approach, and often use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with mindfulness. Additionally, I am an artist and we may use art in therapy to enhance the therapy process. I am looking forward to getting an opportunity to know you well and work with you on your journey. I find it most fulfilling to help others. I am a full-time clinician working half of my time in the office and half online from my home. In my spare time I enjoy my family, art projects, cultural events, my mindfulness practice, going for walks, and reading.
180009487 | Illinois
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