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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Villa Park, IL

location-map Villa Park, IL | (331) 256 2906

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You are stronger, braver, and more resilient then your mind gives you credit for; but sometimes those thoughts and feelings can overwhelm us to the point where we lose ourselves and the things and people we value most. As a therapist, my goal is to allow you to see your emotions and thoughts as just that and to reestablish the connection between your unique and individual values and the behaviors that support these. We as humans are all susceptible to emotional pain, but how we deal with this pain- be it the pain of change, loss, or inexplicable anxiety and hopelessness- can define whether we evolve from these or stay stuck in it. I aim to increase your understanding of sources of pain and to develop strategies for better managing it. Special emphasis is placed on increasing self-care and self-compassion as these are oftentimes neglected in moments of stress and crisis. I also encourage the importance of caring for mind, body, and spirit as a whole. I firmly believe in the healing quality that simply having an authentic, meaningful connection with others can provide and I strive to foster this with every client I have the privilege of working with. Let me know how I can be of help to you.