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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Crown Point, IN

location-map Crown Point, IN | (219) 682 0458

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Main Street Counseling, is an independently owned and operator private practice in Crown Point, Indiana. To read the bios of all the clinicians on staff please visit our website @ Cindy is a licensed clinical social worker and a licensed clinical addictions counselor. She brings over 20 years of experience working with children, adolescents and their families. She has extensive experience working with borderline personality disorder, depression and anxiety with adults. Cindy is a skill based therapist using a broad range of techniques and interventions adapted for each client. I have dedicated 20+ years of my professional life to helping others and working within the community that I live. I am very versatile and knowledgeable. Social Work and providing therapy to people in need has been my passion for as long as I can remember. Main Street Counseling offers services to anyone ages 6 to 99. We have clinical professionals that are qualified to address and treat all mental health issues. We network with local psychiatrists and other providers to offer a comprehensive treatment plan.

location-map Crown Point, IN | (219) 778 5887

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My focus is to empower families by improving their relationships and communication so family members are more of a support than a burden to each other. Family issues that I commonly treat are couple's communication, sexual issues in a relationship, mixed-agenda couples (where one is considering a divorce), co-parenting after a divorce, behavior issues with children, as well as abuse or neglect in families. I also help families where a member struggles with self-injury, depression, or anxiety.

location-map Crown Point, IN | (219) 307 4213

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I know you are questioning whether this is something you should consider. However, I want you to know that just recognizing there is something weighing you and your family down is enough to move forward. I provide support and practical feedback to help people resolve current problems and longstanding patterns. I work very well with children and I also can reach the most difficult teenagers and can help them understand YOU. I will strive to involve the family in the treatment as needed. Another speciality I have is with adults struggling with relationships, life transitions, grief, stress, & adjustment issues. I work with each person to help them build on their strengths and to identify and achieve their life goals. I keep you involved and excited for change! Remember you are your own expert and deserve to live a life full of happiness. I strive to help you find your balance! I provide a platform for you to express yourself and find peace within your life.