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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Fort Wayne, IN
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Fort Wayne, IN | (260) 297 3706
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Need help? Are you feeling too afraid, angry, or alone? Reaching out for assistance can be an important step to building internal strength and gaining control over one's emotions. Many may feel guilt or shame in being out of control with these feelings, yet seeking help may be the most effective path to gaining the skills and growing as individuals. I am a client-focused mental health therapist interested in helping people overcome their personal challenges. I am particularly comfortable working with clients on depression, anxiety, trauma, and relationship conflicts. I have experience with a multitude of mental health concerns and I focus on building a trusting therapeutic relationship. Sometimes everyone needs help to overcome mental and emotional struggles. Everyone wants to live happy lives, but not everyone has the love and support to make it happen. Depression, anxiety, and traumatic experiences can be a detriment to personal growth for anyone. No one wants to feel alone, yet many may fear asking for help. I would love to help you.
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