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Today is January 21, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Hancock, IN
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ONLY accepting new TESTiNG PATiENTS. As a parent, are you wondering, "How do I help my child?" or "Is this normal?" Is your child struggling academically? Is she having difficulty sitting still during class? Is he irritable and moody? Is your child a picky eater? When our children struggle, we struggle. I get it. And I'm here to help. Psychological testing can help address these questions and provide clarity in the midst of confusion. I'll work with your family to better understand the difficulties and then develop a clear, concise plan to access resources and treatment services to best support your child's unique needs. My areas of expertise include the assessment of neurodevelopmental disabilities including autism, learning/academic problems, ADHD, mood disorders, and challenging behaviors. I also complete feeding evaluations and provide ongoing treatment for Pediatric Feeding Disorders. As a parent, you just want the best for your child. I welcome the opportunity and privilege to work with your family to promote your child's success across all environments. While never a requirement, if you wish to explore the role of faith in your life, I welcome the bridging of the faith and mental health communities. I'm also a Lyra provider.
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You're likely here because you are seeking change in some area of your life. You've likely found my profile due to some discord in your relationship(s) you hope to resolve. I'm Chelsea Summerlot. My passion is to help relationships thrive with mutual respect, honest and open communication, and learning more about your loved one. Whether in your relationship with yourself or with another, I am here to journey alongside you in building a strong foundation from which your life can grow. I am Level 1 Gottman Methods certified, Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy trained, and a Prepare/ Enrich assessment Certified Facilitator. I offer a safe space to repair your relationship, reacquaint yourselves, and learn new ways of communicating and relating to one another. I am so glad you found your way here. The relationship you build with your therapist is vital, to not just the success of the outcome of therapy, but also to enjoying the process and experience. I understand that you would spend some time trying to find the right fit. Let's connect for a free, 15 minute, consultation, to find out more.
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