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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Michigan City, IN

location-map Michigan City, IN | (219) 327 3112

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From 0 Reviews

I am able to listen to the challenges going on in your life, focus on an area to develop goals and work towards positive change. I will help you explore how your thoughts are connected to your feelings, and how those thoughts and feelings influence the way we interact in our world. Together we will learn how to find ways to cope and find growth. In therapy I use a strength-based approached, and I am able to provide support regardless of where your self-esteem is at the start of therapy. We will also talk about things outside of reason you came to therapy, what I usually call “the fun in your life.” Rapport or the connection you have to your therapist is very important in therapy. At the end of our sessions, we will set goals to work on from week to week. I can help hold you accountable to make those positive changes in your life. I am not a teacher, there are no grades, but I will help explore and challenge you to be the best you.