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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Putnam, IN
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I have been in the psychology field for nearly two decades. Therapy is a process of sharing concerns, problems, ideas, questions and decisions. I will listen, share, question, challenge, confront and support you in coming to grips with the things that are troubling you. I am committed to providing the most effective and personalized therapy possible.I have experience treating clients in a variety of settings and socioeconomic circumstances across the state on Indiana. I enjoy working with clients of all ages and backgrounds. My specialties include children/adolescents, trauma, addiction, and family/couples counseling. I am trained and use a diverse combination of therapeutic styles with an emphasis on attachment and cognitive-behavioral models. The goal is always to help each client achieve personal wellness in the best and most productive way possible.
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You find it hard to slow the racing thoughts. Feelings of guilt, shame, or not being good enough are getting harder to fight. You feel like you can explode at any minute. This is not the person that you used to be and you're having a hard time figuring out what to do or how to get through this. Through exploration of your past, current thoughts, and different beliefs, we can learn more about your journey and how you became who you are today. Through continued understanding, acceptance, and compassion for yourself, you can find an increased quality of life that you deserve and maybe even start to recognize yourself again. I gently invite clients to gain more understanding of themselves and assist them in finding forgiveness, compassion, and healing. I specialize in treating anxiety, depression, life transitions, and chronic pain in adults and older adults. Please check out my website or call me to book a free, 15-minute phone consultation.
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OPEN for New CLIENTS! QUICK Availability! Medicaid and HIP accepted. Are you feeling alone and that the weight of the world has been on your shoulders? Do you feel as though daily challenges can be too much and others don't understand? Do you feel isolated and anxious? Have you felt that it is all you can do to get out of bed and almost every task is overwhelming. Feeling that your thoughts won't stop and you can't shake your feelings? You are not alone! Relief is possible! You can feel as though you are back in control of your thoughts, emotions and your life! Imagine feeling as though you have the energy to get through the day and feel that you are accomplished. Imagine feeling rested and that you can tackle the day; that you are in control of your own destiny. Together this is possible. We can work through the challenging thoughts and overwhelming emotions. Relief is real! As a mother to two very busy daughters and a wife to my husband of 10 years, I understand fully how overwhelming it can be to juggle work, parenting, and our own personal struggles. Let me help you in finding ways to balance your life by finding peace, improving overall wellness, and increasing happiness in relationships. Call or email today!
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