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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Scott, IN

location-map Scott , IN | (812) 301 8023

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Featuring: * Brain Map/Scans *Neurofeedback *Equine Assisted Therapy*Traditional Counseling*Video Sessions*Indoor/Outdoor Therapy Area's* Perhaps you or your child is down or anxious - maybe unsure about the future of a relationship, or just feel that life isn't all that it could be. Or could it be that you are struggling with addiction, post traumatic stress or even unclear of what hinders you. In my therapy sessions you will get in touch with your thoughts and feelings regardless of the reason. This can be done while incorporating horses or while incorporating a faith based perspective; the choice is yours. View 8 Photos We, at CCC Therapy Center, offer Trauma Focused-Equine Assisted Therapy, Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, EMDR, Prolonged Exposure Therapy, Faith or Non-Faith based Counseling. We also work closely with foster care systems and Veterans. We are confident you’ll find either model highly effective as either is tailored to meet your needs. Life can get difficult and sometimes a little help from therapy can make things better whether building a relationship with a horse, talking things through with someone who is there to help, or just sitting under the pine tress listening to the birds sing... Our goal at CCC Therapy Center is to empower you!