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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Warrick, IN
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Do you feel stuck and overwhelmed? I help clients who struggle with people-pleasing, perfectionism, high-achievement and anyone who feels anxious, overwhelmed, exhausted and feel like they aren't measuring up. Do you engage in critical self-talk, compare and despair, impossible expectations? I teach clients strategies that positively impact relationships, mood, stress, work, parenting, lifestyle, etc. Thoughts play an important role in how we perceive ourselves, others, and our environment. I aim to identify negative, inaccurate, self-limiting thoughts and replace them into limitless thinking patterns. I am trained in cognitive-behavioral therapy, behavioral modification, and solution-focused therapy. I help clients identify unhealthy, self-limiting thinking patterns and guide them in replacing them with healthy limitless thinking habits. I facilitate improving mental strength, a three-pronged approach- managing our thoughts, regulating our emotions, and behaving productively despite setbacks or circumstances. I offer boutique counseling, therapy, and coaching services in a non-medical, confidential setting. Helping college and graduate students manage challenges, pressures, relationships, time-management, anxiety, test-taking, etc.
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