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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bird City, KS

location-map Bird City, KS | (719) 751 5535

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We are living in a demanding, challenging, and overwhelming time. For people with trauma, life can feel unbearable at times. I help children, teens, and adults unburden themselves from the negative effects of their past so that they can look to their future with hope. I am a client-centered, humanistic therapist who truly believes that all healing comes from within. I simply provide a space of empathy and compassionate guidance for the magic that my clients bring. I help my clients gain insight into their patterns, learn to set boundaries, connect to their true self, and realize their potential and strengths. I have an eclectic approach, blending both traditional, western psychotherapy with holisitc models that consider the whole self - mind, body, and spirit. I have extensive training in experiential psychotherapy modalities and I specialize in play therapy for children. I also am trained in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing). Taking the first step on your healing journey can feel intimidating but if you are reading profiles here, you are ready! Take that first step today and contact me for a free 15 minute consultation. ** Please note that $150 is my self-pay rate and insurance rates may be less, depending on your plan and coverage.**