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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Montgomery, KS

location-map Montgomery , KS | (620) 254 8271

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I have worked in early intervention services for children with autism spectrum disorder in their home/community settings, as well as with adults with intellectual disabilities. In addition to this, I have served children and adults in residential/school settings who exhibit severe problem behaviors that are a barrier to their inclusion in less restrictive environments with the ultimate goal of increasing independence and teaching skills that would enable them to move back into the community. My current passion is expanding services in Southeast Kansas and preventing the need for day schools/institutionalization in the first place. I specialize in autism and related intellectual and developmental disorders. I have extensive experience working with alternative communication systems and conducting analyses of severe behavior to create an individualized behavior intervention plan. I have been in the SEK area for over 10 years, with the overwhelming desire to train new professionals and expand services to the area. Born to Blossom LLC operates an applied behavior analysis (ABA) clinic in Coffeyville, KS and we are so ready to see you! Also accepting home-based clients in Crawford County, KS.