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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bowling Green, KY
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Bowling Green, KY | (270) 398 9889
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I use multiple approaches to treatment and I’m certified in EMDR therapy (since 2016). Telehealth services are available to all Vermont, Florida, & Kentucky residents. There is currently a 5-6 month waitlist for an in office appointment, online telehealth appointments can be scheduled online at or by contacting me via phone/email. Life can be very difficult at times and having the right conversation with someone can make all the difference. I look forward to getting to know you & working together. I specialize in trauma, abuse, neglect, attachment disorder, family dynamics issues, betrayal, marital issues, parenting, grief, suicide loss, stress, PTSD, anxiety. I am certified in EMDR. I am client centered and offer a safe space for clients to engage in sharing and processing through their thoughts and feelings. I am trained in a variety of therapeutic modalities to assist each client's needs. I look forward to hearing from you and working together to increase your quality of life.
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