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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Boyle, KY

location-map Boyle , KY | (859) 800 0810

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I specialize in working with clients who are trying to manage their lives while dealing with addictions, ADHD, depression, and anxiety. I work to help these clients minimize the impact these disorders have on their day-to-day, while also working with them to reduce shame they may feel because of their mental health. I have experience working in outpatient settings that offer treatment for addiction and other mental illnesses. I can offer tools and skills to help clients manage their symptoms and minimize the stress they experience because of them. I know it can be hard to talk about mental health for many people and I strive to offer a judgment free and safe space for all people. I want to help my clients succeed and work to set them up for success in meeting their goals.

location-map Boyle , KY | (859) 209 3559

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What would your life be like if you woke up tomorrow and everything was just how you wanted it to be? What would be different? Therapy can help you identify and reach those goals. Whether your focus is individual, with your partner, or with a family member - the process can be beneficial and effective. My job is to help guide you through the choices, decisions, and communication patterns that are stopping you from making those improvements or changes. Therapy does not have to be intimidating or anxiety provoking. It can instead be an interactive, thought-provoking, learning experience. I am glad to partner with you on this journey. I work with a wide range of clients: individuals, couples, and families. I believe that you are the expert in your own life. I am an Air Force veteran, and my husband is a Marine Corps veteran. I am honored, and trained, to work with military members, veterans, and their families. If it is not convenient for you to come in for appointments, due to location or appointment times - you can work with me in an online platform through. I am happy to walk you through that process.