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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Calloway, KY
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Calloway , KY | (270) 804 4283
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Your best days are ahead! I truly believe that we are all on a journey to have the best life possible. I am the owner of Emerald Therapy Center, LLC., a private, woman-owned, family run healthcare group located in Western KY, about 2 hours from Nashville. Emerald has 6 locations and provides psychiatry/medical services, clinical and non-clinical behavioral health services. I also enjoy working with and speaking to corporations, businesses, and city governments about how to develop and improve workplace wellness programs. My focus is on how to recruit, retain, and improve employee performance and wellness. As a licensed clinical social worker, I can assess, diagnose, evaluate, and treat mental health issues and disorders. I have attended training conducted by Harvard Global Health Leadership for educators and mental health professionals and Mediation Training at the SIU School of Law. My passion for decreasing the stigma and increasing the access for rural mental health services includes being the founder of The Emerald Foundation, a 501 C 3, that helps children and their families who live in rural areas receive accessible and quality mental health services.
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