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Today is March 31, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Fort Mitchell, KY

location-map Fort Mitchell, KY | (334) 367 4386

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Anxiety has hijacked your life. You’re really good at imagining the worst case scenario. Your mind is excellent at anticipating the future, and at replaying things that have already happened. You question whether you are good enough and often feel self-conscious. You overthink everything. And your body buys in to this story – heart racing, shallow breathing, your stomach in knots. All of this worry is overwhelming. It impacts almost every aspect of your life. It prevents you from doing what you want to do, from living the way you want to live. Your life is becoming smaller and smaller … AND YOU’VE HAD ENOUGH. You want to feel calm and confident. You’d like to no longer be hijacked by your mind or your inner critic. You’d love to no longer feel a sense of dread, to be able to do things without forcing yourself, or without having to suffer through them. You have so much to be grateful for, and you’d like to enjoy your life, rather than simply surviving it. An integrated mind-body approach provides practical strategies to achieve optimal health and happiness. My practice is fully online, via a secure telehealth platform, making it super easy to fit therapy into your life. Visit my website ( for more information and to schedule a free, no obligation 20-minute phone consultation today.