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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Franklin, KY

location-map Franklin , KY | (502) 237 1018

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Marriage and relationships can be so hard! You signed up for happily ever after, but happiness is missing in your relationship. Maybe you are stuck in an endless cycle of arguing, distance, or pain. Maybe your relationship lacks true intimacy and connection. Through couples counseling you & your partner can stop the negative cycle that is devastating your relationship. You and your partner can learn to understand your own responses to emotions, how you handle them, and how you can share them. You and your partner can learn what you both are really trying to communicate, and experience a secure bond and close connection. I practice Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, because it has been scientifically proven to get to the core of couples issues, helps them dramatically transform their lives, and helps them discovering true intimacy. Through couples counseling you can create a a secure attachment and bond that heals the wounds of the past. It is a journey to happiness. Whatever pain is currently negatively impacting your relationship, I am here to help, and there is hope. I have been privileged to work with couples using Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy for the last five years and have seen marriages and relationships transformed. Please, reach out to me this week about a free consultation and to book an appointment!

location-map Franklin , KY | (615) 492 2647

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You're experiencing gender confusion or gender dysphoria. Are you exhausting yourself trying to figure it out on your own? Your anxiety only adds to your distress. Gender dysphoria may manifest as depression, anxiety, or feeling disgust at the way your body looks. You can learn ways to cope with dysphoria or reduce dysphoria. Don’t give up. I offer a warm, non-judgmental, and supportive atmosphere where you’ll receive expert care from an experienced LGBTQIA+ identifying therapist. Together, we’ll use the evidenced-based tools of CBT to help you examine negative thoughts, explore options for gender expression, and learn critical coping strategies to manage difficult emotions. Let’s find you short-term relief while you build lifelong coping skills. Become more comfortable in your body. Practice greater self-compassion and acceptance. I can’t wait to meet with you and hear your story. Call me today for your free 15-minute consultation. And together (with my sweet Shih Tzus, Navi and Sophie by our sides), let’s help you find peace.