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Today is January 20, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Laurel, KY
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Because aging is inevitable, I have now committed my counseling career to the 55 and older population. Change is uncomfortable, but change is essential in order to move to a better place in life as you retire, as you lose a spouse, a child, or a friend. Sometimes the change is as simple as learning to look at something from a different point of view, it is an "ah ha" moment. The first step to change is trust, so I hope you will trust me enough to allow me to walk this challenging journey with you. View 13 Photos I am a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor. I have years of experience working with individuals and groups using evidenced-based treatment modalities. My heart and passion is to see 55 and older individuals live happier, healthier, and better as they independently grow older together. My goal is to help you become the best version of yourself and end well. You are not a label! You are not a diagnosis! You are not useless. You are not a burden to your spouse, your children or your friends. You are worthy of being happy, fulfilled, and better until you take your last breath. You are unique and you are valued. Come experience the hope!
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