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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 4 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Madison, KY
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This is not the life you pictured, is it? You know things need to change but have no idea where to start. Being a human in this fast-paced society is quite difficult and often times heartbreaking. I strive to place the therapeutic relationship as my primary focus, because until someone feels authentically accepted, change is not going to be possible. You came here to change things in your life but ironically, first you have to learn to accept who and what you are, right in this moment. I can help you get to that place! I mix science of the brain & body in combination with identifying the many loops and patterns we tend to get "stuck" in, to help clients achieve authentic change, and a more peaceful outlook on themselves and their life.
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Jennifer Wilson LPCC, NCC specializes in counseling people experiencing anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms and enjoys working with those in the LGBTQ community. Jennifer is from a small town in southeastern KY and obtained her Bachelor’s in Psychology and Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from EKU. Jennifer spent her internship at The Ridge Behavioral Health. She is EMDR trained and has experience working with the foster care system.
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I worked as a teacher in East Asia for 13 years, and taught middle school and college students. I have worked with children in therapy for the past 3.5 years. For the past year I’ve worked in a pediatric therapy clinic with Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, and Physical Therapists. I had several clients who were diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, and other sensory processing issues. I learned to help children who were dealing with these diagnoses improve their mental health. I went to Campbellsville University to study Marriage and Family Therapy. My clients often describe me as a good listener, non-judgmental, supportive, patient, soft spoken, and easy to talk to. Many parents have told me in the past, that their children respond to me better than they could have ever expected. ’ve had clients from previous jobs look me up online, so they can return and see me again. Parents have said that their child met with a new therapist, but said they didn’t feel as comfortable with their new provider, as they did me.
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At Seeds of Change Counseling Center, we understand that reaching out can be overwhelming, our friendly therapists will do their best to put you at ease. If you would like to experience relief from your trauma-related symptoms, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, depression, panic attacks, or just want to feel like your old self again, ask me about Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART). I am recently certified in providing Trauma-Informed Yoga and enjoy "walk and talk" therapy as well. I have been fortunate enough to work as a mental health provider for 21 years. I have worked in a variety of settings including: outpatient services, in-home services, school-based services, and intensive outpatient services. I am currently focused on helping individuals ages 14 and older in an outpatient setting. We understand that reaching out can be overwhelming and a bit scary, contact us so we can put you at ease. We believe that strong relationships and a healthy support system are key to our sense of well-being. We would be honored to help you grow and feel your best!
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