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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 0 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bossier Parish, LA
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Bossier Parish, LA | (318) 935 9113
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Reaching out for help can be the hardest part of the therapy journey. Congratulations for taking that first step! I have over 20 years of experience in the behavioral health and addiction field. I utilize a client-centered approach which allows you to take an active role in treatment, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which is used to assist you in developing alternative ways of thinking to change your unwanted behavior, and motivational interviewing, which is a collaborative conservation between client and therapist, with a goal to strengthen motivation and commitment to change. I provide individual therapy for adults who need help with anxiety, depression, ADHD, coping skills, substance use disorders, gambling disorders, trauma issues, tobacco cessation, self-esteem issues, school or work-related stress, career choices, family issues, and relationship issues. I offer a non-judgmental, supportive atmosphere. I believe that everyone is unique and has unique needs. I have an optimistic outlook and believe that everyone can change thoughts, reactions, and behaviors. I treat everyone with dignity, respect, and care. I am here to listen and guide you along your journey to health and happiness.
6450 | Louisiana
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