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Today is March 31, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Barnstable, MA

location-map Barnstable , MA | (978) 384 0983

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I am Psychologist with extensive experience treating many psychological issues. I specialize in anxiety, depression, anger, and weight management as well as other common psychological issues. I rely on a combination of therapeutic approaches including cognitive-behavioral and mindfulness-oriented therapies to more insight oriented personality/interpersonal approaches. I see more adults than children but do treat children ages six and above for anxiety and depression. I also treat adolescents, couples and include family members in treatment. I have run groups for anxiety in the past and am interested in hearing from potential group members to reestablish groups in the future.. I anticipate a group for weight managment in the future as well. I try and utilize reading materials and workbooks to enhance a person's therapeutic advances outside of the office visits.