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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In West Newton, MA

location-map West Newton, MA | (401) 680 6121

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Psychotherapy focuses on restoring perspective and building confidence in addressing life's challenges. My approach is interactive, collaborative, and based on an appreciation of each person's creative potential. Through asking questions, sharing knowledge and observations, and getting feedback, we work towards self-discovery and understanding. Together we focus on clarifying goals and identifying effective ways to meet them. Psychotherapy involves recognizing patterns, expectations, or beliefs that may have been helpful in the past, but are no longer. Addressing these patterns removes barriers to change. Strengths are identified and fostered, becoming the foundation for new ways of approaching things. My theoretical grounding is drawn from a variety of perspectives, not committed to a single approach to all clients or needs. My expertise includes insight-oriented approaches, cognitive-behavioral therapy and systems therapy. In addition to my practice, I have taught a variety of graduate courses including a course on treatment of adult trauma survivors at Boston College.