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Today is March 31, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Maryland City, MD

location-map Maryland City, MD | (410) 896 6312

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Myles Schaultz, LCPC is an Integrative therapist when it comes to therapy and uses different techniques to deliver his services and passion to his clients. He is dedicated to helping clients reach their goals, finding creative ways to connect and filled with optimism and hope in all of his interactions. Myles has experience treating individuals with a broad range of mental health issues such as: depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, bipolar disorder, anger, and low self-esteem to name a few. Therapy is a non judgmental process that requires honesty from both therapist and client for best results. You can expect to be treating with care, respect, and professionalism through every step. Therapy is process that allows you to be who you are and talk about issues that are sometimes hard to discuss with others. Lets Talk Brothers and Sisters!