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Today is March 29, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Wicomico, MD
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Wicomico , MD | (410) 376 8836

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When people experience severe life stressors and change, it's not uncommon for things to unravel in the shakeup. My passion is bringing healing to those in these seasons of life and to help in supporting and promoting healthy growth and change. I also love teaching and supervision and am on the Maryland Supervisors listing. I have been trained in a range of modalities and am a certified EMDR and TF-CBT therapist with extensive work with grief, attachment theory and trauma. I am also trained as a mediator and have been trained in other techniques to promote processing and healing. View 7 Photos I have over 25 years of experience in working with families and individuals in various capacities within our community and it is my desire to continue to help in the healing process and growth of those in our community. Offering individual treatment, groups for personal growth and learning and special events occasionally to introduce clients to alternative therapies, community resources and creative outlets.

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