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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Sagadahoc, ME
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Sagadahoc , ME | (207) 618 6409
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When we are faced with the common ebb and flow of life's challenges we sometimes cope in ways that may not serve our best-self, compromising our relationships, family, physical health, or career. This can leave us feeling out of balance, overwhelmed, and seeking a change. Through an integrative mind-body approach we will explore how the compromised aspects of your life impact you as a whole, while empowering you with tools and strategies to regain the balance you desire. I draw from cognitive and Dialectic Behavior Therapy (DBT) perspectives to help improve self-awareness and insight assisting in self-exploration, growth and change. As a Certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Instructor I incorporate Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) as an approach to foster mental and physical wellbeing. I work with individuals to improve anxiety, depression, emotion regulation, and attention/focus concerns. I believe that support is grounded in patience, compassion, and non-judgement. I welcome you to call to discuss my very affordable sliding scale payment options and decide if a Wholestyle Health approach meets your needs.
Sagadahoc , ME | (207) 389 7274
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Whole-person wellness is at the core of my clinical practice. I believe that mental health is most effectively treated in conjunction with physical, nutritional, and interpersonal health. My clients can expect a thorough assessment of overall well-being and a treatment plan that delivers noticeable results. I recognize the enormous financial constraints of todays workforce and the need to quickly and efficiently solve problems. That is why my therapeutic approach looks at client strengths and resources. I meet you where you are at and help you get to where you want to be! My clinical expertise involves treating clients across the lifespan. I work with children, adults, and families who seek support in managing emotional distress. My practice is trauma-informed and sensitive to co-occurring issues of substance abuse or multiple diagnoses. I also have a therapy dog who accompanies me and offers emotional support to my clients. My biggest passion in clinical therapy is finding what strengths lie within each of my clients. Humans have an enormous capacity to survive and thrive against significant challenges. I invite clients to examine all aspects of wellness, including physical and nutritional health as they support emotional functioning. I look forward to meeting you!
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