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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Berrien, MI

location-map Berrien , MI | (312) 818 5290

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I received my undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan in Political Science and my Masters in Arts: Social Work from the University of Chicago. I received my doctorate in clinical psychology from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology. I am a licensed clinical social worker and have worked in many settings from community mental health and crisis intervention to victim advocacy. I am a trained medical/legal sexual assault advocate and a trained domestic violence counselor. I completed my psychology internship at the Cambridge Health Alliance/Harvard Medical School in a program in Asian Mental Health and Child Psychotherapy. My clinical specialties include: depression, anxiety, life transitions, women's issues, grief/loss issues, trauma and bi-cultural identity. I hold a psychodynamic orientation which is based on an interactive learning and relational model that nurtures self-reflection in clients. I believe that contextual issues are foundational to the way in which psychological distress is experienced. In my work, I strive to build trust and safety. This is critical so that the work can be accepted and integrated into a person's every day life. Safety can mean different things to different people.