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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Commerce Township, MI

location-map Commerce Township, MI | (947) 208 4842

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Adults, Anxiety, Addiction/Family Recovery, Life Transitions. You are unique. Therefore, I'd like to spend time learning your language - How do you experience life? How do you view yourself? What is your story and how is this impacting you now? Trust is foundational to our work together so that you can feel supported and heard. Our sessions will be collaborative - we will actively work together - to focus on what has been going on AND discover what life looks like moving forward. Let's honor where you are AND learn skills to support your health. My approach will shift to support you. Let's explore your story, confront your patterns, and learn skills to manage life. I'd also like to offer you a space to truly express yourself. As an art therapist, I can offer a variety of options in session to support your exploration and expression of self in a unique way. Consider hiking for a moment. Whether you're looking for your path or taking your next steps forward, let's meet where you are and walk (work) together.