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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Huntington Woods, MI

location-map Huntington Woods, MI | (703) 493 0932

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I work with our centers providing counseling, staff development and online counseling and coaching. Always committed to your potential, well being, with active participation and towards what you want to achieve. My focus is personal growth, identity and achievement. I have extensive training in individual, Group and Family therapy. See . I provide training /supervision for mental health professionals. A specialty area for me is the Gifted and Talented population providing presentations, workshops and keynotes on counseling and social-emotional needs of this special population. published on the Counseling / Psychotherapy of Gifted and Talented ,Identity and achievement. past Chairperson/ board member Counseling and Guidance Division National Association for Gifted Children . Presented over 500 presentations, workshops and Keynotes . Today working with talent development/career issues for high potential talented adults. Most current work in a coaching capacity globally. I offer individual group couples professional coaching and family counseling online and in person. My experience spans over 37 years in the field. I work with people who want challenge and have a strong desire to create what they want in life. I tend to ask clients repeatedly if our work together is working. A strong productive relationship is crucial.

location-map Huntington Woods, MI | (472) 074 3855

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My career has been fueled by a passion for helping people grow and thrive through the challenges they face. I specialize in treating Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, and Adjustment Disorders. My work with clients includes building awareness, developing skills to cope with difficulties, and fostering hope. I also have many years of experience working with adolescents and young adults to manage developmental challenges related to self esteem, gaining independence, and navigating relationships. My goals as a therapist is to provide a safe and empowering space to support the process of change.

location-map Huntington Woods, MI | (248) 453 9588

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Dr. Toby Kellk specializes in strengths-based psychological assessment, a valuable tool for providing context to challenges and creating building blocks for personal growth. Difficulties focusing, staying organized, procrastination, understanding why seemingly "simple" tasks feel so overwhelming, feeling stuck in treatment, or wanting diagnostic clarity. Not sure if assessment or therapy is right for you? Visit our website to schedule a complimentary consultation. View 8 Photos Dr. Kellk has over a decade of experience in psychological evaluation, specializing in neurodevelopmental disorders (ADHD, Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and learning disability/differences). She combines her knowledge of neuroanatomy with cognitive behavioral techniques to help people find avenues for living happier more productive lives. The Cognitive Insight Center is a neurodiversity-affirming practice. Our center offers a comfortable and accepting therapeutic environment where clients feel empowered to share their stories. Services are strengths-focused and tailored to each individual client.