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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Livingston, MI
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Livingston , MI | (517) 200 3486
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Are you a teenager or adult who is struggling with feelings of anxiety related to life stressors? Are you looking to learn strategies you can use to build positive emotions in your life? Whether you are dealing with stress from school, your job, relationships or other areas of life, we can work together to learn and implement cognitive behavioral and mindfulness strategies to improve your quality of life. It is important to me to provide therapy with a non judgmental and compassionate approach. Through therapy clients learn about themselves and learn strategies to reach their individual goals. My focus is to work in collaboration with my clients, starting where they are, to provide therapeutic support in order to reach their goals. Starting therapy is a considerable decision and it can be common for people to wait years before taking this step. Just getting to this page may have taken a lot of energy. I am here to welcome you and assist you through a smooth transition into therapy so you can begin to use your energy towards what is important to you.
6361007600 | Michigan
Livingston , MI | (734) 447 3102
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I am an experienced clinical therapist with over 30 years of practice. I am currently working with Diversified Counseling and Consultation Sevices providing individual counseling to both men and women, couples, family and group counseling (as available). I provide evidenced based treatment taking into consideration your life experiences and accounting for your uniqueness. I specialize in educating individuals on skills that support life's challenges. I treat persons ages 12 and older. I accept Anthem, BCBS, Blue Care Network, Priority Health, Optum/United Behavioral Health and Medicare insurances as well as private pay. View 3 Photos I specialized in Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Structural/Strategic Therapy and Family Systems Therapy. I provide treatment to adult/adolescent males and females encountering issues with relationships, anger management, employment problems and medical concerns impacting personal functioning.Specialties include grief, changes in life roles, legal issues and difficulty managing social situations. Diversified Counseling and Consultation Services offers unique opportunities to address ongoing concerns that individuals experience in today's complicated world. I am a published author on Adaptive Dialectical Behavior Therapy for persons with cognitive impairments. I have developed and successfully implemented a specialized curriculum for groups working in this area.
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