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Today is December 30, 2024

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Montcalm, MI

location-map Montcalm , MI | (616) 537 2618

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I am currently providing Telehealth Therapy to anyone located in the state of Michigan. I focus heavily on a person’s strengths and creative problem solving. I see potential everywhere and enjoy seeing a person develop and bloom into their goals and personal growth! I love to practice the art of connecting, supporting, and developing of those that I work with and I strive to be warm, welcoming, and hospitable. I view therapy as a way to add additional tools in our toolbox, and enjoy working with clients who are up for putting in the work for their goals. I am a licensed clinical social worker with experience working with clients experiencing depression, anxiety, parenting, life stress/transitions, and trauma. I have case managed, counseled, problem solved, supported, encouraged, and gave hope to those I have worked with. I am also accredited in Triple P's Level 4 Positive Parenting. When working with a new client, my first step is learning about your expertise of experiences, feelings, and ideas. Reach out to see how the two of us can work together to create goals, conversations, and solutions for the support you are looking for.