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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Arden Hills, MN

location-map Arden Hills, MN | (651) 560 3336

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You work hard and you are normally a positive and proactive person. But lately something is wrong and you find yourself feeling sad, unmotivated, and discouraged. You notice you are more irritable, you don't sleep well, and seem to be stuck in rut. You're marriage or other relationships are not what they used to be and you're job is not fulfilling you anymore. The good news is there are proven strategies to help you feel better and get back to functioning at your best. My approach to therapy and coaching is grounded in Positive Psychology. The philosophy of positive psychology is that people want to live meaningful and fulfilling lives and to enhance their experiences of love, work, and play. I believe you want these things too, and our work together will focus on helping you understand the things that will help you be successful. I specialize in helping people with depression, stress, or anxiety to gain emotional well-being, improve marriage and other relationships, and achieve work success. In addition to therapy I offer career and leadership development coaching and team building facilitation. Contact me today to schedule an appointment.