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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Chisago City, MN

location-map Chisago City, MN | (651) 237 4745

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Are you going through a significant life transition? Perhaps you are grieving the loss of someone special, a divorce, or other relationship has changed. Maybe it is a job transition or challenges of a new family system. It could be that you are just entering the working world as a young adult, trying to keep up with the new demands. Change is difficult and whatever the transition or life challenge you are facing, you may be feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty making decisions. Perhaps you are struggling with self confidence, relationship conflicts, anxiety, depression, and other undesirable thoughts and feelings. View 9 Photos Life is full of challenges and how we adapt is significant to well-being. My focus is on on helping you grow through common life/developmental changes as well as major disruptions, trauma, and transitions. This may involve grieving losses, deepening your perspective on an old problem, and/or using your strengths and resources to overcome adversity. I believe our greatest psychological needs are both relational (love, security) and individually based (purpose, identity). I integrate counseling techniques from across disciplines, building upon the therapeutic relationship. Successful outcomes result in improved self awareness, interdependence in relationships and mental/emotional/spiritual well-being.