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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Circle Pines, MN

location-map Circle Pines, MN | (175) 334 8572

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We can find incredible joy in our families, but they can also be a source of great heartache. With the right guidance, we can make it through these tough times together and emerge with stronger relationships and closer connections. Adolescence is such an exciting time of self-discovery, exploring interests, and developing close friendships. These changes can also be daunting and scary for teens and their parents and cause tension in family relationships. I am passionate about providing guidance, coping skills, and a supportive listening ear to teens and their families as they navigate these exciting and turbulent years. I am devoted to helping couples rediscover the deep joy and satisfaction of a healthy relationship by helping you reconnect and rebuild your partnership in a safe space. I can help you change destructive patterns, improve your communication, and grow together from the challenges you are facing. I draw strongly from the strength-based approach of solution-focused therapy, empowering you to draw on your strengths and make lasting changes. I am trained in Discernment Counseling and am a certified Prepare/Enrich facilitator. Making changes takes courage, and I would be honored to join you on this journey.