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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Kanabec, MN
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The choice to make time for therapy can be difficult with all of life’s responsibilities. And when previous ways of coping begin to fall short, it can be helpful to have a supportive space to turn to. Therapy provides the opportunity for you to engage in exploration, feel your feelings, and process life experiences. I hope to have the opportunity to work collaboratively with you to support you in fostering meaningful change in your life, whatever that change may be. My clinical lens is person centered and relational based. Through collaboration, I believe a strong therapeutic relationship can be developed which provides a foundation for safety; a necessary component of therapy. I have an extensive background in providing trauma informed care and I am trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). I provide therapy via telehealth which allows you to participate from the comfort of your home. Whether this is your first time seeking therapy or you have participated in it before, I am here to support and empower you. I hope you choose to reach out!
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Trying to manage a family, career, friendships, and find time for yourself as the daily cycle continues, leaves you exhausted. So many tasks left undone. Life is feeling overwhelming. Thoughts of tomorrow keep you awake at night. Empathy towards others is depleted leading you feeling irritable and snippy towards others. Your gas tank is empty and your relationships are struggling. You want to succeed. Searching desperately for balance and a way to rejuvenate but feeling lost on where to begin. The foundation of my approach is built on creating a safe, relaxed, and non-judgmental space to allow client’s comfortability in being their authentic selves. Using a unique blend of EMDR therapy, somatic work, and mindfulness techniques, we will work together to reshape your sense of self, find balance, and heal relationships. Through our work together, you will learn to live more confidently and feel a deeper connection with everyone in your life – including yourself. If you are ready to make a change, pick up the phone and call today to schedule a free initial consultation.
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Located in Hinckley and Mora. We help with anxiety, behavioral concerns, children issues, communication skills, depression, parenting issues, physical abuse, sexual abuse, stress management, transitions, & trauma. What to expect: We start everyone the same, which means, we gather a lot of back ground information, this includes current issues and history information, based on the information provided we make a diagnostic assessment, and together we will make a plan to help you achieve your personal and professional goals, all in a manner that feels safe to express thoughts and feelings. Therapy is a dual effort; it takes both of us. We have a great team of ten therapists. We try to get people seen within one week of calling. We offer early morning, daytime, evenings, and occasional Saturday appointments. We offer EMDR at both locations. Sometimes the demands of life can be stressful and overwhelming! Please note at Love the Journey we strive to help reduce stress and meet you exactly where you are in life's journey.
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