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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lake Elmo, MN

location-map Lake Elmo, MN | (605) 534 8420

Accepting New Clients

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Dealing with constant worry, anxiety, or self-doubt can feel like an uphill battle! Events from your past might be affecting your day-to-day life, causing you to carry unnecessary guilt, shame, or fear. Maybe you feel like, no matter what you do, you simply aren’t good enough. Or maybe you’ve reached the end of your rope with flashbacks, nightmares, sleep issues, or anxiety attacks. No matter if you suffer from anxiety that you can’t explain or are able to trace your challenges back to specific events in your past, I am here to help you navigate from hurt to healing. At this time, I have daytime/weekday availability. View 5 Photos As a Christian therapist specializing in EMDR & CBT for trauma and anxiety, I help individual adults create positive coping skills to navigate anxiety and depression and process traumatic memories. Ultimately I believe that you are the expert in your own life; my job is simply to guide you toward uncovering your own strengths. You don’t have to continue living with sleepless nights and intrusive thoughts. Starting therapy is a big step, but it is worth the work! I've helped clients who have lost parents, endured abuse, as well as those who want to learn how to better love themselves. Contact me today for a free consultation.

location-map Lake Elmo, MN | (612) 279 8054

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I work collaboratively with individuals, couples, & families to help them cultivate a deeper self-awareness, discover new ways of expression, transform dysfunctional patterns, have more satisfying relationships and ensue a more meaningful life. Research has shown having purpose and meaning in life increases overall wellbeing and life satisfaction, improves mental and physical health, enhances resiliency and self-esteem, and decreases the chances of depression. My systemic, non-judgmental, holistic and integrative process integrates family structure, relationship dynamics, specific cognitive- behavioral, experiential, Internal family systems, EMDR and spirituality/mindfulness approaches. Words that embody my beliefs and values in the therapeutic relationship are acceptance, respect, empathy, perspective, challenge, meaning & change. My specialty includes, but is not limited to: couples communication, sexual & emotional intimacy, individual counseling, family life stage issues, developmental trauma, ambiguous grief & loss, cancer-related issues, PTSD, adjustment disorders, and sexual issues including sexual addictions and sexual trauma.