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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Mille Lacs, MN
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Mille Lacs , MN | (763) 220 6251
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From 0 Reviews
I provide services to a variety of populations, including adults, couples, teens, children, and families. Some common concerns for my clients include anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, identity development, building healthy relationships, exploring early childhood relationships with caregivers, navigating life changes, and processing trauma or abuse. My goal is to create an environment that you feel comfortable being yourself as you find healing and purpose on your journey. I understand that beginning therapy can bring up many questions about what to expect, so I will work with you to find an approach that will fit with your life, needs, and goals for therapy.
Mille Lacs , MN | (320) 613 2836
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From 0 Reviews
Welcome! As you begin your search for a therapist, please remember to put yourself first and trust that you are worth it! Sometimes it can be easy to bypass ourselves and continue to put others first only to find emptiness staring back at us in the mirror. Let’s work together to find out who you really are and start “showing up” for yourself like you do others. Let’s build confidence and motivation to meet your goals and finally feel at peace in life again. One step at a time remembering that you are not alone in this journey. I will help you find safety, set boundaries, assertively communicate, all while honoring your true self. Get rid of self doubt and learn to trust again after hardships and trauma. I have over ten years of experience working with women who have experienced trauma, addiction issues, and relationship struggles including domestic/sexual violence. Please take another step today and email me. Remember, you are worth it to be happy and have a life filled with peace. Let’s work together. I’m only an email away from answering any questions you may have. Don’t give up! I believe in you!
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