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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Morrison, MN
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Morrison , MN | (612) 712 5203
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You know by now that the process of transitioning through whatever situation you are dealing with in your life can be very difficult and painful. Partnering with a professional will help you get through the stormy waters, manage the difficulties and the pain, and access the resources you really need to get out of the storm. My areas of expertise are relationships, depression, loss of motivation, anxiety, stress, trauma, sexual abuse and sexual addiction and issues, domestic abuse, and fears of all kinds. I help people release their blockages so they can free themselves and continue to continue to live their lives to the fullest. View 10 Photos I use many therapeutic modalities crafter to your own particular needs. Rapid Resolution Therapy is my most recent innovative approach to address and clear the ongoing effects of trauma of all kinds, anxiety, panic disorder, insomnia, night-terrors, grief, heartbreak, betrayal, childhood abuse, sexual issues and abuse, shame, guilt, rage, and anger. Asking for help is a sign of strength and wisdom, not a sign of weakness. Whether you are dealing with the past or present symptoms of a traumatic event in your life or the issue is from a relationship (intimate, parent, career) I am here to guide you and help you heal. My approach is designed to your unique needs. Over 15 years of experience.
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