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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Pine, MN
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Located in Hinckley and Mora. We help with anxiety, behavioral concerns, children issues, communication skills, depression, parenting issues, physical abuse, sexual abuse, stress management, transitions, & trauma. What to expect: We start everyone the same, which means, we gather a lot of back ground information, this includes current issues and history information, based on the information provided we make a diagnostic assessment, and together we will make a plan to help you achieve your personal and professional goals, all in a manner that feels safe to express thoughts and feelings. Therapy is a dual effort; it takes both of us. We have a great team of ten therapists. We try to get people seen within one week of calling. We offer early morning, daytime, evenings, and occasional Saturday appointments. We offer EMDR at both locations. Sometimes the demands of life can be stressful and overwhelming! Please note at Love the Journey we strive to help reduce stress and meet you exactly where you are in life's journey.
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