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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 1 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Adair, MO

location-map Adair , MO | (660) 628 1432

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From 0 Reviews

The counseling process can be a challenging and exciting journey. My goal is to ensure a safe place for you to start that journey as you share your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a trusting relationship. My role is to listen, and help explore the reasons that prompted you to seek counseling. I will assist you in identifying stressors that contribute to your concern and help develop strategies for coping with or altering these stressors as we work together to achieve your counseling goals. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in Missouri. I specialize in anxiety, depression, women's issues, and young adults. I work with individuals, families, and groups. I practice from a Christian world view but do not impose my beliefs on clients; however, I can incorporate this perspective if desired. I am a certified Mental Health Specialist in EAGALA and offer equine assisted psychotherapy in addition to standard office visits. Equine sessions are at a farm and involve myself, an equine specialist, and horses. I offer daytime and evening appointments in office and evening appointments at the farm.

location-map Adair , MO

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Licence Information:

PY01689 | Missouri