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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cedar Hill, MO

location-map Cedar Hill, MO | (636) 452 2764

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Our problems, concerns and struggles in life often cannot be reduced to a simple diagnosis. As human beings navigating a constantly evolving and sometimes difficult world, we are accumulations of our experiences, patterns, skills, and desires. We sometimes need to enhance our abilities to cope or gain insight through seeing a different perspective, but we all have the innate ability to grow and heal ourselves. As a therapist, my goal is to assist you in attaining your desired outcomes and reaching a point of contentment in your life. I work with a variety of individuals in an effort to help them sort through their thoughts, identify their feelings, and honor their present experience. I utilize an eclectic approach to therapy, incorporating person-centered and solution-focused models, as well as Gestalt’s techniques, and ACT to empower and challenge my clients to reach their goals. While the needs that I see are varied, acceptance, understanding, and intentional focus on growth make my approach universally applicable. I hope that my studies and passion can help you on your journey to attain the calm, light, and fulfilling life we all work for and deserve. Take care and be well!