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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Jasper, MO
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I have a heart for couples and enjoy coming alongside those who are struggling relationally, to instill hope and help them resolve their conflict. I have helped many couples restore trust in their relationship after an affair or betrayal. In addition to working with couples, I also work with women who are dealing with emotional difficulties such as depression or anxiety. I also have experience working with individuals who have addictions or a life controlling problem. We will work together to determine the best treatment for you so you can achieve your goals.
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I have 16 years of clinical experience in treating mood disorders, anxiety disorders, trauma, anger, relationship issues, and most mental health disorders. Wellness is possible for everyone no matter what they have had to walk through. Coping is possible, but healing is essential to move beyond the places we become stuck. I have specialized training in treating trauma and utilize EMDR on a regular basis to facilitate healing. It is my belief that our emotional wounds can be healed and we can go beyond the barriers that our experiences can create. None of us are immune to the things of this life. We all have battles we are faced with and difficult seasons we must walk through. Having someone to connect to and build trust with can lighten and heal some of the heaviest burdens. I would love to see if I am a good fit for your journey.
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