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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Richmond Heights, MO

location-map Richmond Heights, MO | (148) 992 1296

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Are you afraid? Depressed? Annoyed? We alI struggle with these at times. If you are at a place where the situations in your life feel like "too much", I am passionate about working with you to find peace and healing in the midst of it. Together we can work to name the strengths you have that will aid you in life. From the moment you walk in, my goal is to provide you with a place where you feel safe to work through issues at your own pace, while experiencing me as an ally in your work. I strive to create an environment where clients can realize their strengths, heal from their hurts, and truly flourish. I work with individuals, children, adolescents and couples having difficulty adjusting to major life issues, exhibiting behavior that seems unusual or dangerous, or in need of someone to listen. What you are facing may be scary, confusing, or shameful to share. I would be honored to walk with you. I'm a guy who enjoys video games, books, music, movies, good food, people, and being with my family whenever I can. I used to work with my hands but now realize that carrying the beauty and pain of life with another is an incredible privilege and where I come alive. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you think I can offer any aid on your journey.