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Today is January 20, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Saint Charles, MO
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Hi, I’m Q Boston. I work with couples who feel divided because of fights about finances. Too many people’s relationships are being destroyed by money problems and it’s leaving them feeling disconnected, lonely, and frustrated. I know how challenging it can be to have productive conversations with your partner about money - especially without it ending in a fight. BUT, I believe that money issues are solvable. I also understand that the issues are often about more than just money and that they take work to get to the root of. So, I now use my 12 years of experience as both a therapist and a financial coach to help hundreds of couples just like you and your partner. I help you communicate more productively about your finances, eliminate your debt, and deepen your emotional connection with each other. To get started, your next step is to schedule a 30-min consultation to see if we are a good fit for each other. You don’t have to go further into debt or keep having fights about money. I can help guide you as you develop a plan for your finances and work to grow and deepen your relationship.
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