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Today is January 20, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Saint Joseph, MO
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Saint Joseph, MO | (816) 521 6191
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Relationships can be very difficult and emotionally exhausting. In fact, problems in relationships can increase depression and anxiety. Depression and anxiety can affect all areas of life. I believe that there is hope for anyone who is having problems with relationships or mental health issues. I enjoy helping people make changes and improve their lives. For over 28 years, I've been helping clients with relationship issues, depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse. In addition, I've had the privilege to help couples resolve conflicts and improve communications. Watching clients make changes and improvements in their lives is very rewarding. I can provide information about communication and skills, parenting skills or setting boundaries. We could also address substance abuse issues and recovery skills . Additionally, I focus my therapy on balancing life areas: spiritual, emotional, physical and mental health.
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