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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 2 Verified and 4 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In St Louis, MO

location-map St Louis , MO

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location-map St Louis , MO

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location-map St Louis , MO | (314) 310 2723

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Do you feel like something is missing in your life? Or are you struggling to resolve a problem on your own, even with the help of friends or family? Psychotherapy can offer more than the reduction of psychological symptoms, but change the trajectory of your life. Working together, I can help you challenge unhelpful beliefs, face and contain difficult feelings, better understand yourself and others, cope more effectively, outgrow ingrained patterns, and become a more whole and authentic version of yourself. The benefits of therapy often accrue even after its completion. I have a transparent and understanding approach. I openly share my impressions when I feel the timing is right. In a safe and therapeutic relationship, we can explore thoughts, feelings, and ideas which may be confusing or challenging. Psychological symptoms often have meaning or functions outside of our awareness; therapy can bring them to light. I believe finding a therapist who is a 'good fit' is of the utmost importance; I suggest we speak on the phone for 10-20 minutes, so that I can get a sense of your goals and so you can get a feel for who I am/how I might help.

location-map St Louis , MO | (314) 375 4136

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I am a Licensed Marital & Family Therapist (MFT) and an approved supervisor through the State of Missouri Board of MFT and the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. My clinical experience is with individuals, couples, and families related to sexuality, communication, conflict, and parent-child relationships with queer & trans youth. I utilize emotionally-focused, attachment-based, and playful interventions for unsticking the stuck parts of life. I have extensive couple & sexuality training and experience as a certified Sex Therapist through the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists. I am LGBTQIA+ affirming and take a sex positive approach. In addition, I am an avid researcher and teacher as a faculty member at Saint Louis University. Learn more at

location-map St Louis , MO | (314) 526 2512

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Many of my clients have anxiety that presents as overthinking, indecision, self-criticism, avoidance, and tying worth to performance. This may show up in relationships, self-esteem, or a sense of overwhelm. Together we will lean into anxiety to re-expand your life, deconstruct your inner-critic, and change patterns keeping you stuck. In my practice, I primarily utilize relationally and developmentally informed Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). My style is a blend of process and practical, to gain insight and make change when you are ready. My additional specialties: Illness/Health Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Death Anxiety, Health Psych, Anger Management, & Military Veterans issues. For those interested, I also provide spiritual integration therapy. My personal & academic training is oriented toward Christian theology (Wheaton College), and I hold space for those with different beliefs. You may not feel great today, but you don't have to feel this way forever. I would be honored to help you move towards the life you envision. I provide virtual video sessions to clients across 30+ states. You can learn more about me at my website . Email is the best way to contact me to set up a free consultation.

location-map St Louis , MO | (314) 334 8835

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My practice is highly specialized using evidence-based methods that help couples, families and individuals. I am certified by both the Gottman Institute and the International Center for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy to help couples. I also work with individuals experiencing the challenge of depression, anxiety, trauma, bipolar disorder, parenting issues or those needing to improve their relationships with the important people in their lives. I present The Art and Science of Love Workshop three times a year in St. Louis. Based on the research of John Gottman, Ph.D., the workshop teaches how successful couples foster romance and harmony in their relationships. Couples learn to build fondness and closeness and improve conflict management . Additionally I provide Discernment Counseling to help couples when one member is evaluating his or her commitment to the relationship and the other member remains committed. This process helps people decide whether to work on the repair of the relationship or to end the relationship, in a caring manner.